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EEG with PLS
Posted on 10/27/10 05:28:30
Number of posts: 7
Isa.Tejelo posts:

Hello... I would like to apply PLS on data of EEG activity... In my case, I built my datamat_lst,  I run pls_analysis and save the result (with result.mat)... But I would like plot peak electrode saliences for all latents variables, design scores and scalp scores obtained in the output of the partial least square (PLS) analysis. How can I do it?.... I tried PLSgui and I have no problems doing it. But I would like to use the PLScmd and get the same plots... Thank you very much in advance. Best regards, Isa


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I'm Online
Posted on 10/27/10 07:21:18
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

PLScmd is not designed to present the result. If you are very familiar with the result structure and MATLAB, you might be able to use the result from PLScmd to get some of plots that similar to PLSgui. However, it needs tremendous amount of work, and it is not supported. I suggest that you use PLSgui if you have problem to do it by yourself.

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