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Behavior/Seed PLS Input
Posted on 02/18/11 14:11:53
Number of posts: 5
klhc posts:

Good afternoon, I apologize if this has been asked before, I am in a major time-crunch and likely wasn't using the appropriate search terms to find any previous thread on this matter. My question is very simple, for a behavior/seed PLS on 2 groups with 2 conditions, which of the following is the correct structure for the input: Row 1: data from subject 1 group 1 condition 1 Row 2: data from subject 1 group 1 condition 2 Row 3: data from subject 2 group 1 condition 1 Row 4: data from subject 2 group 1 condition 2 Row 5: data from subject 1 group 2 condition 1 Row 6: data from subject 1 group 2 condition 2 Row 7: data from subject 2 group 2 condition 1 Row 8: data from subject 2 group 2 condition 2 Or... Row 1: data from subject 1 group 1 condition 1 Row 2: data from subject 2 group 1 condition 1 Row 3: data from subject 1 group 1 condition 2 Row 4: data from subject 2 group 1 condition 2 Row 5: data from subject 1 group 2 condition 1 Row 6: data from subject 2 group 2 condition 1 Row 7: data from subject 1 group 2 condition 2 Row 8: data from subject 2 group 2 condition 2 Thanks for clarifying! Kim


Untitled Post
Posted on 02/18/11 14:17:18
Number of posts: 394
rmcintosh replies:

the second configuration is correct


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