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correlation values
Posted on 02/25/11 12:58:16
Number of posts: 7
annad posts:

Hi there,

I have just noticed that when I observe brain LV (opposed to bootstrap ratio) the values range beyond +1 to -1 (approx 1.6 to -1.5).  Up until now I have presumed these numbers to be r values but evidently they're not due to their range.

If someone could possibly direct me on how to interpret these values, that'd be brilliant!

Thank you, Anna


Untitled Post
Posted on 02/25/11 16:31:49
Number of posts: 394
rmcintosh replies:

The values are weights within the singular vector (think eigenvector) reweighted by the the singular value (think eigenvalue). As such, they are only relevant as a means to evaluate the weights between regions within the same latent variable. You can make a link between these numbers of unstandardized regression weights, so there is no theoretical limit since the values depend on the scale of measure.

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