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Brain activity and age
Posted on 12/22/11 05:36:51
Number of posts: 2
Daniel posts:

Dear PLS experts,

I would like to examine the relation between brain activity and age for the a block-design paradigm including three tasks (A;B;C). I guess , I need to use behavioral PLS to do that. However, It looks like I suppose to specify an age for each task. Given that age would not change in each task, do I need to simply replicate the same age for each task?
Alternatively, one other solution might be to calculate the covariance between the fMRI signal in each brain voxel and age within each task and then contrasted this covariance across tasks, But I don't know how to carry that out? I would appreciate if someone can help me to implement this in PLS.


Untitled Post
Posted on 12/22/11 06:05:23
Number of posts: 394
rmcintosh replies:

Hi there, For the question you want to answer with PLS, you just need to replicate the same age vector for each block. This will answer the interesting questions about general age relationships with BOLD and those that are task-dependent. Let me know if you need further help. cheers Randy

Brain activity and age
Posted on 12/22/11 07:27:54
Number of posts: 2
Daniel replies:

Thanks a lot for the prompt response!

I may come back to you if I come across more problems.

Merry X-mas!

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