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Session Profile for PET data errors
Posted on 04/09/12 14:42:46
Number of posts: 3
dwallin posts:

While creating the Session Profile for PET datamat, everything goes fine when inputing the conditions (I used 2).  However, when selecting the subjects, I have the filter set to *img and "File names are the same across subjects" is deselected as the naming is slightly different for each.  When I click on the file name next to the first condition and select the appropriate file name, I get the following error each time I hit "Select"

??? Error using ==> fileparts at 17
Input must be a row vector of characters.

Error in ==> rri_getfile1 at 78
     [filepath,filename,fileext] = fileparts(get(h,'String'));

??? Error using ==> rri_getfile1({'DONE_BUTTON_
Error using ==> fileparts at 17
Input must be a row vector of characters.

??? Error using ==> waitfor
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

Has anyone seen this error or can you direct me in where to troubleshoot?  I have full permissions to all files and directories I am working in.



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I'm Online
Posted on 04/09/12 14:50:42
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

I just tried, and could not duplicate your problem. Could you tell me what is the file name that you want to selected?

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Posted on 04/11/12 16:28:22
Number of posts: 3
dwallin replies:

I have tried selecting any file and it does not work.  The file I would like to select ends in img as the filter specifies.

The files are all something like p####_dy#.img  but the numbers are not consistent across conditions, i.e. condition 1 for the first subject might be dy4 while for the second subject it is dy7.  If you think it would make a difference to name my files differently, how would be easier?  Given that I cannot select any file without this error, it seems unlikely to me that the name of the file is the issue.

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I'm Online
Posted on 04/11/12 16:38:39
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

The file name that you posted looks fine. As I said, I have already tried, and could not duplicate your problem. If it is possible, please upload some of your raw files (e.g. 3 subjects) and I will look into it. Please do not attach anything to the email, and only send me the link to whereever you upload the file and I can access them.

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Posted on 04/11/12 17:02:18
Number of posts: 3
dwallin replies:

I'll need to wait on permission to post until the owner of the files returns next week.

It seems to me to be a matlab issue or compatability issue or something, so if anyone has seen these types of errors before that would be great, otherwise I'll keep working on it.

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