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PLS and Intel 64-bit machines
Posted on 06/28/12 00:39:12
Number of posts: 16
R_Roberts posts:


I ran a mean-centred PLS analysis on my new computer for the first time yesterday, and came across this message that I had not seen before:
We detected that you are running MATLAB on a 64-bit system. 
According to MATLAB Bug Report ID 268001, we have to convert 
data to double precision for Intel based system.

Is this Intel 64-bit machine? Y/N?I don't know

My computer is running Matlab R2011b on a Windows 7 machine. When I ran the analysis, it was prohibitively slow (~15 hours). I was wondering if this was due to 64-bit machines not being able to use Matlab's single precision math operation feature? I have run a few analyses on older 32-bit machines and have never come across this problem before.

On a slightly related note: I have run some analyses on a 64-bit machine running Linux in the past and did not get the above pop-up message. Is there some difference between Linux and Windows systems in this regard?

I hope this is clear.



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I'm Online
Posted on 06/28/12 00:57:35
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

You should be fine to use "single" precision, since you are actually using MATLAB 7.13
(Now, MATLAB has 2 digit in the sub version, and I need to change the code to avoid this false alarm)

The speed of analysis may not be solely caused by single precision. If you have large data, it could be very slow.

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Posted on 06/28/12 02:31:07
Number of posts: 16
R_Roberts replies:

Thanks for your prompt reply :)

Does your reply mean that, when prompted by the question: "is this a 64-bit machine?", i should select "No"?


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I'm Online
Posted on 06/28/12 08:35:35
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

You are correct.

By selecting "No", you will get "single" precision.

I will fix the problem by the end of today.

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