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Huge Blobs in Seed Analysis
Meera Paleja
Posted on 07/27/12 15:25:00
Number of posts: 4
Meera Paleja posts:

Hi PLS experts,

My seed analysis is yielding very large clusters (i.e., 61,000 voxels) that encompass much of the brain. Is there any way to look at local maxima or to break up the cluster (I already tried changing the threshold, and this didn't help)?



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I'm Online
Posted on 08/01/12 17:44:42
Number of posts: 229
nlobaugh replies:

Hi Meera..
the clustering algorithm that we use assumes that all voxels across the brain do not contribute equally to an effect -

Given that all of the voxels appear to have high bootstrap ratios, I would be a bit concerned that you might have some errors in your design specifications (seed selection) and/or preprocessing steps... 

If you can provide some more details, we might be able to provide more insight ....


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