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y-axis of Behav LV Plot
Posted on 10/13/12 10:00:27
Number of posts: 10
mvlombardo posts:

Dear PLS experts, Quick question. I have run a Regular Behavioral PLS on structural MRI data. I had 7 behavioral variables (which I already know are all inter-correlated in a larger sample of over 1000 individuals), and the results show one strong LV that is significant out of the 7 total LVs. I assume the fact that it shows me only 1 LV is related to the fact that the behavioral variables are all inter-correlated and predict variation in similar parts of the brain. Is this correct? Now I am inspecting this one significant LV, and have clicked on the Behav LV Plot, which shows me that behavioral variables 1, 2, 4, and 5 have negative values that deviate much from 0, whereas behavioral variables 4 and 7 deviate much from 0 in the positive direction, and behavioral variable 3 shows a score near 0. This is all fine, but what I don't understand is what is plotted on the y-axis of this plot. It looks like its on a scale similar to a correlation value, but I'm not sure what is plotted and how to interpret it (all the y-axis label says is 'Behav LV'). Can anyone help in explaining this to me? Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Mike


Untitled Post
Posted on 10/13/12 11:37:04
Number of posts: 394
rmcintosh replies:

HI Mike The y-axis for the behav LV plot is the loading on the singular vector for the behavior side of the analysis (similar to loadings on an eigenvector). It will be proportional to the correlation. Its there primarily for historical reasons. The correlation plots with the confidence intervals is obviously the more useful plot. cheers Randy

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