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error messaage
Leanne Wilkins
Posted on 11/16/12 18:03:59
Number of posts: 4

I get the following error message when I try to run a fMRI blocked design and I was wondering if anybody had encountered this message and new what it meant or how to fix the problem?

Attempted to access A(7.66667); index must be a positive integer or

Error in rri_boot_samples (line 59)

Error in rri_boot_check (line 133)
            boot_sample1 = rri_boot_samples(num_subj, diff_subj);

Error in fmri_pls_analysis (line 309)

Error in bfm_analysis_ui>ExecutePLS (line 1924)
        fmri_pls_analysis(PLSoptions.profiles, [], ...

Error in bfm_analysis_ui (line 86)


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I'm Online
Posted on 11/19/12 12:11:19
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

From the error message that you posted, it seems that the number of subject is not an integer. However, I don't think the GUI interface will allow you to do so. In order to further look into this problem, I need to duplicate the error message using your data.

Would you please upload your data to somewhere that I can have access, and post or send me the link? (Please do not attach anything to the email).

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Leanne Wilkins
Posted on 11/20/12 13:04:12
Number of posts: 4
Leanne Wilkins replies:

Is there an email address that I can send a drop box sharing request?

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I'm Online
Posted on 11/20/12 13:28:42
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

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I'm Online
Posted on 11/20/12 15:52:41
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

Got your data, and looked into it.

I noticed that in some of your BfMRIdatamat.mat files, you only have 2 rows in 'st_datamat' variable, and 'st_evt_list' variable is [1 2].

Since you have 3 conditions, it should be 3 rows and [1 2 3]. Did you change the BfMRIdatamat.mat file manually after it has been created?

If not, could you please use the Test Data (dataset_001 etc) under
to create 1 session/datamat? That way, I can duplicate your session/datamat create process here.

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Leanne Wilkins
Posted on 11/22/12 17:28:33
Number of posts: 4
Leanne Wilkins replies:

I have added the datamat and session file to the dropbox folder. I used the onset and duration time based on the times from my study for participant 1. Was that what you wanted me to do?

The fMRI data came from a block design. However, the onset and duration of the blocks are not consistent across participants. This was a VR navigation task and performance is based on how quickly each person finds a target location. Could the problem partially be because my duration times fluctuate across conditions and participants?


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I'm Online
Posted on 11/22/12 17:37:56
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

What I am saying is that I cannot figure out why you get this datamat.mat based on your session.mat. I suspect that the datamat.mat has been modified manually, so that is why I ask you this question first.

If you have not modified datamat.mat manually, I will need to get all your raw data to create datamat from my computer. To make things simple, I suggested that you used the Testdata that I mentioned above first.

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