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Correlation plot
Posted on 01/15/13 05:01:16
Number of posts: 22
lpxdjs posts:

Hi all,

Despite the fact that I can view the BS image perfectly, when I try to open the correlation plot no image is loaded and I receive the error 'XYZ should contain 3 numbers (X, Y and Z)'. Even if I input some co-ordinates there appears to be no data loaded. What might the problem be?

If it helps, when I try to load in a background image - the same image that displays without problems in the BR image - I am told that the "The dimensions of the background and data images are not matched"...

Any help would be gratefully received.

(A very confused) Dan.


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I'm Online
Posted on 01/15/13 12:23:46
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

Error 'XYZ should contain 3 number' only happens when the edit field contains less than 3 numbers. In your case, it could be caused by the problematic result file. If you could upload all the .mat file in that folder to anywhere that I can have access, I can take a look at this.

Error 'The dimensions of the background and data images are not matched' is another problem. Make sure that the dimension of background images is the same as the dimension of the raw image. i.e. You cannot directly use a background image without first resample it to the same size as the raw image.

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Posted on 01/16/13 02:49:58
Number of posts: 22
lpxdjs replies:

Error 'XYZ should contain 3 number' only happens when the edit field contains less than 3 numbers. In your case, it could be caused by the problematic result file. If you could upload all the .mat file in that folder to anywhere that I can have access, I can take a look at this.

Error 'The dimensions of the background and data images are not matched' is another problem. Make sure that the dimension of background images is the same as the dimension of the raw image. i.e. You cannot directly use a background image without first resample it to the same size as the raw image.


No image is loaded even when I enter XYZ co-ordinates, so the issue must be related to the result file. It would be great if you can take a look - all the .mat files can be located at the following URLs - this is a 'Structural' PLS, so I have made available the session.mat, data.mat and datamat.mat files for both [2] groups):

Concerning the diminensions issue, I am trying toload the same background image into the correlation plot that I use without issues in the BS image - this is a resampled grey-matter template. I guess this issue relates to the first - there is no data loaded into the correlation plot, so the dimensions can't possibly be compatible.

I look forward to hearing your verdict.

Many, many thanks,


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I'm Online
Posted on 01/16/13 16:53:03
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

Error 'XYZ should contain 3 number' is a bug in my code, which crashes on certain skewed data. Hopefully, this will also solve the 'The dimensions of the background and data images are not matched' error. If not, you just have to make sure that the dimension and orientation of background image should be exactly the same as the raw image. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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I'm Online
Posted on 01/16/13 16:58:04
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

I forgot to mention that this has been fixed. Please download and try again from:

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