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Unable to select img files
Posted on 03/07/13 17:57:04
Number of posts: 15
NironKhan posts:

Hi there, 

I'm attempting to construct the session profiles and datamats for an EVR study. I have 2 runs per subject and each run has 201 .img files. I try to select all of the as per the user manual but it doesnt allow me to select the files. It just says `` Ènter one multiple scan or more single scans`` and beeps when i select the files.
The img files are named sequentially but have a slight difference since all the scans for run 1 have TB in the file name while the scans for run 2 have TA in the file name. However, it won`t even let me load the files for in the first place when all the files for the run have matching names.



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Posted on 03/07/13 18:27:59
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

You need to enter the number of scan first.

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Posted on 03/08/13 11:28:42
Number of posts: 15
NironKhan replies:

I have been entering the number of scans, I'll go through the list to see if any are missing, but I'm pretty sure they're all there.
Maybe I should convert them to .nii format? I have run 2 analyses with .nii files without this problem.

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Posted on 03/08/13 11:35:08
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

Then, the problem is because one or more of your scan images containing multiple volumes. Use command get_nii_frame to find out which image file. Type help get_nii_frame for its usage. You can use either .nii extension or .img/.hdr extension. This is not a problem.

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Posted on 03/18/13 15:12:35
Number of posts: 15
NironKhan replies:

Then, the problem is because one or more of your scan images containing multiple volumes. Use command get_nii_frame to find out which image file. Type help get_nii_frame for its usage. You can use either .nii extension or .img/.hdr extension. This is not a problem.

Hi there I tried to use get_nii_frame and I kept getting "unexpected MatLab expression" as a result. I then tried to use load_nii and save_nii to convert the files to nii format but that does not seem to be working either. I have uploaded the img files for the first run to this site: "". This is only my second PLS analysis so I'm not an expert on the command line and with the GUI, but I didn't run into this problem before when using one nifti file for each run. Thanks again, Niron

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Posted on 03/18/13 15:19:04
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

I tried your link, but it ask me to download and install "iLividSetup.exe".

Please find other way to upload your files, because I will not install anything on my computer.

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Posted on 03/18/13 15:45:34
Number of posts: 15
NironKhan replies:

That is the advertisement link, the blue download button with the cloud is the real download link. I have sent files to you with this site before but they seem to have added alot of advertisements. If you don't want to use that site, I've also uploaded to an alternate: "". Click the "continue as free user" link which should take you to the download window. It will say the file is unavailable but that is because it is not a video file. If you click either the "click to download" or "download file" buttons it starts a direct download of the file "". I tried it out myself to make sure and it works fine. Thanks so much for the quick and informative responses, Niron

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Posted on 03/18/13 16:04:31
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

I received "" from "", which contains 201 ".img" files. However, I didn't see any corresponding ".hdr" file. Can you upload it for me?

By the way, I still cannot get stuff from "", although I clicked blue download button within cloud. So please do not upload to that site.

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Posted on 03/20/13 16:35:26
Number of posts: 15
NironKhan replies:

Hi there Jimmy I had received this dataset from a supervisor and the.img files were all I got. I have searched through all of the folders and I can't find any corresponding .hdr files. I'm guessing this would be the reason why I can't select the scans? Would it be possible to convert them to .nii without the .hdr files? The .nii format just seems to be much neater and requires less file subtypes, such as a corresponding hdr file. Niron

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Posted on 03/20/13 16:49:36
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

I don't know whether this is the reason why you can't select the scans.

It is not possible to convert them to .nii without the .hdr files. Without the .hdr file, .img is not usable.

There is no such thing like ".nii format". The ".nii extension" is equivalent to the ".img/.hdr extension".

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Posted on 03/20/13 16:57:52
Number of posts: 15
NironKhan replies:

Hi Jimmy In essence, the dataset I have is useless without the corresponding .hdr files? Should there be 1.hdr file for each .img file? E.g. 201 .img files and 201 .hdr files? I was under the impression that .img/.hdr meant that I could use either .img files OR .hdr files as that is usually what is denoted by "/". I will look in to acquiring these from the person who originally collected the data. Niron

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I'm Online
Posted on 03/20/13 17:03:59
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

You got me right.

There should be 1.hdr file for each .img file. Same file name with different extension (.img and .hdr).

Sometimes, "/" can also mean "pair".

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