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Error in group analysis
Posted on 03/18/13 16:00:38
Number of posts: 7
NathanSpreng posts:

Hi, I am trying to run a multi-group analysis with multiple conditions. The individual group analysis will run, but combining across them fails with the following output: Error using svd Input to SVD must not contain NaN or Inf. Error in pet_analysis_perm (line 136) [brainlv,s,behavlv] = svd(stacked_datamatcorrs',0); Error in struct_analysis (line 372) [brainlv,s,designlv,brainscores,designscores,lvcorrs, ... Error in struct_analysis_ui>ExecutePLS (line 1986) [resultFile] = struct_analysis(PLSoptions.isbehav, ... Error in struct_analysis_ui (line 98) ExecutePLS; Error using waitfor Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback


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I'm Online
Posted on 03/18/13 16:05:01
Number of posts: 229
nlobaugh replies:

Hi Nathan.. can you provide more info? From the errors, I'm assuming you are running a structural analysis, correlated to ?behaviour? nancy

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Posted on 03/18/13 16:06:42
Number of posts: 7
NathanSpreng replies:

It is a structural PLS. No behavior yet. This is just to see differences across groups.

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Posted on 03/18/13 16:07:55
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

It could be that you do not have common brain region among those groups.

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Posted on 03/18/13 16:09:50
Number of posts: 7
NathanSpreng replies:

The same mask was used for each group

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Posted on 03/18/13 16:11:34
Number of posts: 229
nlobaugh replies:

what exactly are the data?  I'm still confused as to why you are getting "behavpls" errors?

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Posted on 03/18/13 16:13:17
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

please upload your "sessiondata" files or "session/datamat" files. In addition, please click "save to batch", and upload the batch text file.

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I'm Online
Posted on 03/18/13 16:36:31
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

After Rotman FTP server got closed, there is no facility here that you can upload anything. You may have to search free space from internet, and send me a link to your stuff once it is uploaded.

The last thread told me a site that you may want to have a try:

Nathan Spreng wrote:
> Where do I upload the files?

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Posted on 03/19/13 16:34:00
Number of posts: 7
NathanSpreng replies:

My matlab was corrupted. Its all working fine on another computer. Sorry!

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I'm Online
Posted on 03/19/13 16:48:44
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

By the way, the version of PLS applications that you were using are no longer supported. Please check the following links:
  • What's new:
  • Updated User's Guide:
  • Download latest PLS applications:
In brief, the major changes are:
  • Combining session / datamat files to sessiondata file:  To provide seamless upgrade, a new program "session2sessiondata.m" is included. They can run this program to convert old session / datamat files to new sessiondata file, either for a single session or for entire folder. For more information, please type:  help session2sessiondata
  • Using Command-Line PLS for any PLS computations:  This includes the computations in PLSgui, in Split half permutation, in Parallel computation, etc. Therefore, the Command-Line PLS has to take optional arguments for all other parameters like num_perm / num_boot etc. For more detail, please type:  help pls_analysis

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