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Behav PLS Question
Posted on 04/30/13 01:44:56
Number of posts: 16
R_Roberts posts:


Is it possible to do a behavioural PLS with data that has two groups and a single condition? I would like to see if some behavioural measure collected outside the scanner (e.g. a measure of IQ) correlates with different reqions in my two groups for an experimental task performed in the scanner. So my behaviural data would be a single column organised like this:


group1      condition1      subject1

group1      condition1      subject2


group2      condition1      subject1

group2      condition1      subject2


If so, would these results be interpretable? Or would I need to include a control condition in there as well, to make sure that the regions that correlate with IQ during my experimental task fail to correlate with IQ during, for example, a fixation condition. 

I hope this is clear!





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Posted on 05/07/13 08:55:16
Number of posts: 229
nlobaugh replies:

Hi Reece..

yes, you can do this -

with respect to interpretation - that is harder to answer, not knowing the experiment.  With one experimental condition and one behavioural measure, you will be able to determine whether the brain-behav correlations are similar or different between the groups.  You'll need to decide if the additional contrast with a control condition is needed to best interpret the results.


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