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out of memory

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Posted on 05/08/13 09:44:12
Number of posts: 9
kris.romero posts:

Hi all, 

To anyone who might be able to help. I have a 2x3 experiment, 16 subjects, 6 runs, 24 trials/run, 255 images/run, with a temporal window of 6 TRs (12s). I just want to do a mean-centred PLS for starters, but I can't run the analysis with any more than 6 subjects without matlab crashing out and giving me an "out of memory" notification. Aside from resampling my voxels from 2mm to 3mm or bigger, is there anything else I can try?




Untitled Post
Posted on 05/08/13 10:59:37
Number of posts: 394
rmcintosh replies:

there are two options:

1) resampling your voxels  to a larger size as you said - if your acquisition size is 3mm and you do any spatial smoothing, there isn't much gain at going below 3mm, other than aesthetics

2) get more RAM

We are finalizing a C++ version, which wll help get around this somewhat, but it won't be ready for a few more months

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