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specific type of merging for datamat creation
Posted on 05/30/13 03:33:14
Number of posts: 13
kambiz posts:

Dear PLS experts,

I am planning to run er-PLS for fMRI data. I have three runs per subject for which I want to make a datamat in specific format. That is, I want to merge condition A across the first two runs, whereas I don’t want to merge the condition A in the 3rd run with the former two runs . As far as I know, the PLS graphic interface only gives you an option either to merge a condition across ALL runs or not to merge at all. Can you please help me with this specific problem?

Thanks a lot!



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I'm Online
Posted on 05/30/13 07:40:15
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

PLS requires that you have consistent conditions across all runs and for all the groups (even condition names have to be consistent). Therefore, I am afraid that you cannot make datamat in that way.


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Posted on 05/30/13 08:39:18
Number of posts: 394
rmcintosh replies:

Could you be a bit more specific about the design you have?  I think you might be able to do it by treating run 1 and 2 as a single run, but it would help to know what you are trying to test

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Posted on 05/30/13 11:25:20
Number of posts: 13
kambiz replies:


I think I have solved the problem with adding one additional condition, and set its onset as -1 for the run that I don't want to be considered!


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