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onset for event-related fMRI
Posted on 11/18/13 05:58:14
Number of posts: 13
kambiz posts:

Dear PLS expert,

I came across the following sentence in the PLS user guide: "Please be aware that the scan starts from 0, and unit is TR or scan, not second. i.e. If you put number 10, it refers the 11th scan image you selected."

Does that mean if I want scan number 11 to be assigned to condition A, I should put 10 in the onset box? Does that mean that PLS, as opposed to SPM, is zero-indexed, meaning that what ever onsets a user put into SPM, should be subtracted from 1 for PLS?

Thanks alot!



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I'm Online
Posted on 11/18/13 08:23:13
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

  1. PLS is zero indexed, which is the same as SPM. I don't use SPM. Make sure your new SPM does not make the change, and it shouldn't.
  2. If you choose to creat E.R.fMRI sessiondata with user defined HRF under Blocked fMRI module, the onset will not be rounded to integer, i.e. you can input 0.5 TR. However, you have to make sure that the scan was obtained sequentially, rather than interlaced.


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