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Voxel Size Error
Posted on 04/10/18 17:28:41
Number of posts: 12
naailk posts:

Hello everyone,

I am obtaining the following error when trying to run a mean-centered PLS:

The datamats have different voxel size.
Output argument "num_behav_subj" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to
Error in fmri_pls_analysis
Error in bfm_analysis_ui>ExecutePLS (line 2256)
        fmri_pls_analysis(PLSoptions.profiles, [], ...
Error in bfm_analysis_ui (line 118)
Error using uiwait (line 81)
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
I have checked the datamats and I see the same voxel size for each participant. I am analyzing multiecho rest data that was preprocessed with AFNI's ME-ICA pipeline. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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I'm Online
Posted on 04/10/18 17:39:58
Number of posts: 229
nlobaugh replies:

this is probably a datamat size error, not actual voxel size. check that the images are masked identically - the dims of the datamats should be the same



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Posted on 04/11/18 08:20:03
Number of posts: 12
naailk replies:

HI Nancy,

I have looked at the dimensions of all the session datamats and I have the same values

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I'm Online
Posted on 04/12/18 19:44:30
Number of posts: 229
nlobaugh replies:

can you give us some more details? That part of the code is called in behavPLS analysis, which is not a mean-centred...

did you set up a behaviour list to be loaded?

Are you using the gui or command-line?



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Posted on 04/17/18 13:04:11
Number of posts: 12
naailk replies:


Sorry for the slow response. I am running a mean centered in the gui. There is no behaviour loaded.

If it matters I am using the newest version of matlab. 

Thank you for you help

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I'm Online
Posted on 04/17/18 13:06:28
Number of posts: 229
nlobaugh replies:

try it with 2014a.. we cannot guarantee the behaviour of the gui after that version.

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