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install guide?
Posted on 02/02/07 12:10:45
Number of posts: 100
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Author: Erin Skinner (
Date:   11-14-06 17:27


I was just wondering if you have a 'how to install PLS' guide?




Re: install guide?
Posted on 02/02/07 12:11:12
Number of posts: 100
archived_post replies:

Author: Jimmy (
Date:   11-14-06 17:41

You don't need to do installation for PLS program, since it is written in pure MATLAB .m files.

To get start, please refer to the following web page:
for "Getting start" section.

Basically, all you have to do is to copy everything that you downloaded from:
into any folder that you have write permission.

Then, like described in the above web page:
- Launch MATLAB Version 5.3.1 and above;
- In MATLAB command window, type plsgui (make sure that the PLSgui program is in the MATLAB searching path);


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