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Posted on 08/19/08 11:50:17
Number of posts: 60
as22kk posts:

Dear Pls Experts,

Can any body tell me,based on the brain score versus design scores plot which is located in FTP bellow,if the red cross which is located  desin score=0.8 and brain score=260 can be counted as outlier for sure or not?



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Posted on 08/19/08 11:58:36
Number of posts: 229
nlobaugh replies:

Dear Pls Experts,

Can any body tell me,based on the brain score versus design scores plot which is located in FTP bellow,if the red cross which is located  desin score=0.8 and brain score=260 can be counted as outlier for sure or not?


it doesn't look too bad.. is the point at -200, -.06 the same person?
You could always remove that person if you are concerned and see to what extent the results change - I suspect you it will be a minimal change


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