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Response Function Plot

Posted on 10/09/08 07:21:42
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Dear PLs experts,

my effert to understand how(especially from Mathematical prospective) the software calculate Response function plot (for E.R.FMRI)for group data has been unsuccessful.Can enyone guide me through the steps to calculate this?



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Posted on 10/10/08 10:26:02
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

Response function plot is not calculated. It reflects your datamat values at the clicked voxel location. The Response function plot window size is defined by yourself when you create the datamat under "Temporal window size (in scans):" field.

Response function Plot

Posted on 10/10/08 10:57:05
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Hello jimmy,

I mean what does signal changes(Y axis) mean in that plot?To which refrence does this signal changes calculated?this refrence to which this signal changes calculated,should be identical for all the conditions.right?

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I'm Online
Posted on 10/10/08 11:05:29
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

If you ask "What does signal changes (Y axis) mean in that plot?", the answer is "The changes correspond to the hemodynamic response to the condition".

If you ask "To which refrence does this signal changes calculated?", the answer is still "Response function plot is not calculated. (see detail above)".

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Posted on 10/10/08 12:03:38
Number of posts: 394
rmcintosh replies:


If I understand what you are asking, the Y axis is the %signal change with respect to the onset of a stimulus (or prestimulus baseline). In specifying your onsets for an event, the signal change is calculated per trial as the change from the reference scan you specified in the session profile.  This is usually '0' by default, which means for each trial the signal change is calculated with respect to time zero for that event.  These are then averaged for each trial type.

hope that made sense


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