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SPM5 integration
Posted on 10/13/08 15:25:15
Number of posts: 4
khill posts:

Hello, I was wondering if there if there is any code out there to integrate SPM5 data into a PLS analysis. Specifically, I have a complex trial with a cue and stim portion, and want to enter in each of those betas for various trial types into a PLS analysis. Normal trial averaging PLS won't help me because I can't seperate out activity from the cue and stimulus portions of the trial. I realize this means I will be giving up on the temporal aspect of ST-PLS, but I'd really like to see if anyone has any code which will still let me try this form of analysis.


Untitled Post
Posted on 10/14/08 13:36:13
Number of posts: 394
rmcintosh replies:

Hi Kevin - we haven't formally integrated PLS with SPM5.  Having said that, it should be possible to use either the block fMRI or PET module to read in the beta images from SPM.  You will need to play with thresholding for the datamats to make sure you don't lose data.  An alternative is to use an explicit binary mask.  You can use the image template for that. 

Let me know how it goes.


Untitled Post
Posted on 10/15/08 17:03:09
Number of posts: 4
khill replies:

Is there any code out there to turn a series of contrast images into the appropriate datamats?

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