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Pecentage of the variance in the data for LVs
Posted on 11/20/08 09:18:32
Number of posts: 60
as22kk posts:


Just I would like to check if the term " percentage of covariance between data matrix and design matrix " for the LV can be changed to "percentage of the variance in mean-centered data" for that particular LV in the case that we implement mean-centering PLS for E.R.FMRI ?
For exmple can one states(especially while mean-centering is implemented):

LV1 accounts for 50% of the variance in the mean-cented data instead of LV1 accounts for 50% of the covariance between data and design matrix?

Which one is the better claim?



Untitled Post
Posted on 11/20/08 09:24:01
Number of posts: 394
rmcintosh replies:

HI Alireza,

The terminology "% cross-block covariance" or "covariance between the design and data" is a more accurate way to convey what the percentage actually reflects.  The problem with saying percentage of variance is that the interpretation is that you are talking about total variance.  The way you want to phrase it (percentage of variance of the mean centred data) is technically correct, but unless your reader understand what "mean centred data"  means, they may misinterpret you.

Untitled Post
Posted on 11/20/08 09:37:06
Number of posts: 60
as22kk replies:

Thanks Randy !

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