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'Run from GUI' error
Posted on 03/18/09 08:33:56
Number of posts: 2
zurich posts:

I've been trying to work through the e.r.fmri example dataset (on MacOSX 10.5.6, Matlab (R2007a)). Everything seems to work fine until I try to actually run the pls-analysis. When I click 'Run from GUI' the progress bar window appears and I get the error message below in the matlab window. Has anyone encountered this before and knows what the problem might be?


??? No right hand side value for assignment.

Error in ==> fmri_pls_analysis at 98
        datamat_files_timestamp{i}{j} =;

Error in ==> fmri_analysis_ui>ExecutePLS at 1824
        fmri_pls_analysis(PLSoptions.profiles, [], ...

Error in ==> fmri_analysis_ui at 93

??? Error using ==> fmri_analysis_ui('RUN_BUTTON_PRESSED');
No right hand side value for assignment.

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback


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Posted on 03/18/09 09:47:00
Number of posts: 394
rmcintosh replies:

The error usually happens if you rename or delete files from the directory in which the PLS results files reside.  I would check that first.  We have updated the code to do a better job of error checking for such things so you may want to download the latest version.


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I'm Online
Posted on 03/18/09 11:09:23
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

The error messages given by MATLAB are sometimes not very clear, and they are also version/platform dependent. In those cases, I would have to carefully duplicate the steps that you went through in order to solve the problems.

I did some search on the error message you had on MATLAB R2007a/MacOSX 10.5.6 with "No right hand side value for assignment"; however, I could find any helpful input. Although I do not have MacOSX 10.5.6 for test, I do have MATLAB R2007a available here. I believe that I should be able to duplicate your problem, since MATLAB claims that it is platform independent.

Would you please tell me all the steps that you went through one by one, and upload all the *_fMRI*.mat files (no other .mat files, no row img/hdr/nii files) onto your ftp server, and give me the link to access them?

I will do my best to help you out of this situation.

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Posted on 03/20/09 05:01:38
Number of posts: 2
zurich replies:

The error usually happens if you rename or delete files from the directory in which the PLS results files reside.  I would check that first.  We have updated the code to do a better job of error checking for such things so you may want to download the latest version.

I removed all files and reinstalled everything. At first it didn't work (same error message) but on the second attempt it did. Not sure what happened. I'll try some other data sets to see if it's stable. Thanks for the help.


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I'm Online
Posted on 03/20/09 10:44:54
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

In fact, there is nothing to be installed.

For, all you need to do is unzip it, which contains nothing but data files (.mat, .img, .hdr etc.).

For, all you need to do is unzip it, which contains nothing but MATLAB scripts (.m etc.).

Just make sure to change directory to where the data files sit after you launch the MATLAB command window, and add path to include where those MATLAB scripts sit.

Please let me know, either by posting or email, for any difficulties that you encounter. I will try my best to solve any relevant questions that you may have.

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