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variable names in results files
Posted on 05/28/09 13:22:14
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ogrigg posts:

A more general question:
Some variables have easy to understand names (such as "b_scores"), or it's easy to understand what they are when you print them (such as "ans"...).  But many are undecipherable.
Could you please give a detailed breakdown of the (at least the more important) variables, their names, and what they contain?



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I'm Online
Posted on 05/28/09 13:25:30
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

most variables are only for internal use. please tell me which variables that you are looking for.

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Posted on 05/28/09 13:35:12
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ogrigg replies:

Generally, the variables that are needed for the user when she/he needs to extract/calculate values of any statistic.
Another case is when one wants to recreate PLS graphs in excel or such (nicer looking graphs...), such as means and standard errors - the PLS-GUI display does not output those (there's an idea for you to include in the GUI display!)

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I'm Online
Posted on 05/28/09 13:38:54
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

the result file may not contain the variables that you ask for.

it's better to be specific, so i know which variable you ask for.

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