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Can nonrotated confirm our interpretation
Posted on 09/10/09 09:39:44
Number of posts: 60
as22kk posts:


As nonrotated PLS restrict the pattern derived from task PLS by setting a prior contrast, Is it possible to use it to confirm our interpretation about the significant LV derived from task PLS? I am asking this because our reviewers were not somehow convinced by the interpretation that we made about our significant patterns derived from task PLS.
Lets say we have 5 conditions of interest (A, B, C, D, E) which constitute designlv for the most significant LV with following values: [-0.23, 0.34, -0.74, 0.50, 0.12]. Now based on these value and also the shape of the mean brain score we made a conclusion that this LV reflects A & C versus the remaining conditions.To confirm our interpretation we use the following contrast [1 -1 1 -1 -1] for nonrotated pls to check whether our interpretation was correct ar not. The singular image produced by non-rotated PLS setting the contrast of interest was extremely similar (more than 95%) to the singular image of the most significant LV induced by task PLS and olso the pattan (induced by nonrotated approach) was as significant as the one detected by task PLS.Can one make a conclusion that based on this hypothesis testing performed by nonrotated PLS the interpretation of our result induced by task PLS is confirmed?



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