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Using the PLS for fMRI data

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Posted on 09/28/09 08:36:34
Number of posts: 1
samhuang posts:


I am interested in using the PLS to test the functional connectivity of certain brain regions during different task conditions.   Specifically, I have two working memory tasks with different load, and how the % signal change in certain ROIs correlate differently during different task conditions, and if the % signal change correlate to demographic variables like age, IQ, or other performance data like hit rate and reaction time.

My major question is: I have already processed my data in Free Surfer / FS-FAST analysis stream, and I have already the mean% signal change of each ROI for each subject.  How do I apply the PLS method or your software to investigate the above questions?  I notice that SAS also has PLS function, so is it valid to use commercial software to do the analysis?

I really appreciate your kindly help!!! Have a great day too!



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