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error message when creating datamat
Posted on 12/11/09 12:04:54
Number of posts: 5
sarahlin posts:

Hi Jimmy,

We were working with Nancy at sickkids, just setting up PLS analysis.
I have a problem creating datamat. An error message pops up and says "cannot access the image file".
Nancy could load the image using load_nii.
The matlab version is 7.5. The operating system is linux.  All permissions are correct.

Do you have any idea what might be the problem here?
Let me know if you need any additional information.



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I'm Online
Posted on 12/11/09 12:09:31
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

it is possible that the image file is not in the appropriate place that the session file described. that's all i can figure out. if you could upload your image with your session file to anywhere that i can access, i can take a look at it for you.

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Posted on 12/11/09 12:30:56
Number of posts: 5
sarahlin replies:

thanks, Jimmy.

we're pretty sure that the session file is describing the image file in the right place.
i'm not sure where to upload the file.
can you recommend how we can get the file to you.


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I'm Online
Posted on 12/11/09 12:36:56
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

if you do not know where to upload your files, we have an ftp incoming site that you can use. the username, password are changing from time to time. every time, you have to send an email to either or directly by yourself to get the username and password.if you don't know how to use it, please also ask for any instruction.

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Posted on 12/11/09 12:47:12
Number of posts: 5
sarahlin replies:

Thanks Jimmy,
  We will contact Constantine or Tony to get appropriate access.

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