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Access to prior PLS versions?
Posted on 01/25/10 01:46:40
Number of posts: 1
cassidy posts:

Dear PLS community,

I'm resurrecting a prior PLS analysis conducted a few years back with an older version of PLS (in particular, ver.
2.312162).  Any chance I could get my hands on this historic version?  I want to verify some of the default processing settings in the PLS datamat generation interface.

(Alternatively, an interactive conversation with Jimmy Shen would work wonders.  But the older version works nicely as well.)

Any access, information, or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, rjc.
Ryan J. Cassidy, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Biomedical Signal Processing
Rotman Research Institute, and
Institute for Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
University of Toronto


Untitled Post

I'm Online
Posted on 01/25/10 10:55:09
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

Because there are many bug fixes (see whatsnew.txt in the latest package) since the version you specified, so it really makes no sense to go back to the old version. If you still have the old data (raw image / session / datamat / resultmat) with you, we can setup an appointment and discuss the questions that you have.


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