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Posted on 03/10/10 10:20:05
Number of posts: 60
as22kk posts:

Dear Randy,

rri_color_code.mat is not included in the latest available version of PLS.That might cause some crashes while viewing the results, especially for the new users!



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Posted on 03/10/10 10:55:04
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

Where did you download the "latest available version"?

I checked:
and "
rri_color_code.mat" is there!

What is the error message for the crash?
By the way, please send all technical problem for PLSgui program directly to, or post it here for my attention. I am responsible for all the technical errors for both PLSgui program and PLScmd program.

For Theoretical question, I will try my best to answer as much as I can.


Posted on 03/11/10 06:31:28
Number of posts: 60
as22kk replies:


Due to some unknown problems, the file was not there when I downloaded it. But I checked now (again) and it seems to be there!

It might have been something wrong when I downloaded it. The error was apparently occurred due to the lack of rri_color_code since it couldn't be loaded (e.g. fmri_plot_scores.m line 799).


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