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PLS set up question
Posted on 03/10/10 18:15:20
Number of posts: 34
mkim posts:

Hi, I have 2 subject groups for an fMRI study - out of X amount of runs each subject completed I want to examine the best Y number of runs. The order of the condition epoch within each run is not identical for all 4 runs for each subject; however the timing of each condition is identical. For example: Subject1 best-run1 0 Baseline-mood 1 Happy 5 Sad 10 Sad 15 Happy Subject1 best-run2 0 Baseline-mood 1 Sad 5 Happy 10 Sad 15 Happy ..... Subject2 best-run1 0 Baseline-mood 1 Sad 5 Sad 10 Happy 15 Happy Subject1 best-run2 0 Baseline-mood 1 Happy 5 Sad 10 Sad 15 Happy ..... Is it possible to set up PLS to examine group/condition differences as a block fMRI design? If so how would I set up the Session files? Please help - thanks in advance! - Miyoung


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I'm Online
Posted on 03/11/10 17:52:48
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

Technically, I didn't see any problem here. You should be able to set up PLS session file as usual, and each session file for each subject.

e.g., For subject 1:

You can enter subj1 as "Datamat Prefix"; input Baseline, Happy, Sad after click "Edit Conditions"; and put 4 after "Number of Runs", and then click "Edit Run".

Enter the scan number and "Browse" the scan data. Then, enter the onset data:

For Run1:

Baseline: 0
Happy: 1 15
Sad: 5 10

For Run2:

Baseline: 0
Happy: 5 15
Sad: 1


If you want to run Block design, then you also have to provide the length of the block. This is what I will do based on your description.


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Posted on 03/15/10 15:39:48
Number of posts: 34
mkim replies:

I figured that's how I'd do it - I just wanted to make sure. Thanks for your help Jimmy!! -Miyoung

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