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Structual PLS results interpretation
Posted on 03/11/10 06:23:11
Number of posts: 18
ab698 posts:

I have just used PLS for the first time so please excuse what might seem some obvious questions.

I have entered 89 smoothed GM maps in MNI space with one behavioural score for each subject/scan. I performed a behavioural PLS with 1000 permutations and obtained a map. However I notice in the results window that it says displaying LV1 out of 1. Does that seem sensible to have only one LV after running this kind of model.

1 more thing. How do I search this forum?



why only 1 LV
Posted on 03/11/10 06:46:24
Number of posts: 18
ab698 replies:

It's OK. I now understand that if I entered only 1 behav score the I only get 1 LV.


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