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individual subject design scores
Posted on 04/30/10 17:20:31
Number of posts: 6
pmetzak posts:


I was hoping that someone more knowledgeable than I could answer a question I have regarding design scores. Does each subject have an individual design score for each condition and each LV? If so, where are the located in the results.mat file?




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I'm Online
Posted on 04/30/10 18:16:50
Number of posts: 291
jshen replies:

Design score is not for individual subjects.

Untitled Post
Posted on 04/30/10 19:06:56
Number of posts: 60
as22kk replies:

Design score expresses the effect of each LV and would be computed by the inner product of the subject's image volume and design saliencies. Hence it is not given for each subject.
However you can take a look at  the brain score for each subject which is a representative of how much each subject contributes to the pattern in each LV.

Hope this helps.

significance testing
Posted on 06/03/10 22:45:45
Number of posts: 6
pmetzak replies:

Thank you for the replies.

Does this mean that the individual subject brain scores can be used in an ANOVA to assess significant differences between groups?  Or is there another more optimal way to examine the differences between groups?

Thanks again!


Untitled Post
Posted on 06/04/10 07:52:39
Number of posts: 60
as22kk replies:


I won't go for ANOVA since it reflected the indices of differencies (the test is designed in such a way) rather than differencies and similarities. Instead, try to use brain score with confidence interval (CI) to interpret your patterns.

Hope this helps

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