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We welcome abstract submissions that focus on research relating to emotion and mood and anxiety disorders, including, but not limited to, behavioral, neuroimaging, survey, pharmacological, and clinical studies. Multidisciplinary studies are encouraged. The Program Committee for the Rotman-KLARU Emotion Conference expects to have high quality posters presented at the meeting. Abstract acceptance will be based on scientific content. The abstract should contain material that has not been published elsewhere previously. Abstracts that are unethical, incomplete, or contain insufficient data will be rejected. Though you are not required to register for the meeting prior to submitting an abstract, the presenter of the abstract must register for the meeting.

We look forward to welcoming you to the 2011 Rotman-KLARU Emotion Conference and seeing you in Toronto!

Submission Instructions

Submission Form

Download the Submission Form, fill out all the fields, save the document and send it to the Poster Review Committee by email. The form is optimized for Windows platform.

Abstract Guidelines

Abstracts must include the following:
  • Title The title should appear first and should be typed in lower cases, with initial letters in capitals.
  • Authors Author names should appear as surnames followed by the initials. These should be typed all in upper case. The author affiliations should appear after all the authors’ names.


Inhibitory Speed in Patients with Focal Frontal Lobe Damage. FLODEN, D.1, & STUSS, D.T.2

1Neuropsychology Clinic, Toronto Western Hospital; 2Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest
  • Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions – 400 word limit
  • References
A maximum of 10 references can be entered per abstract submission. References should be cited in the text by surname of the author and the publication date in parentheses, e.g., Gall (1825) or (Gall & Spurzheim, 1810). References must be listed alphabetically at the end of the abstract. Journal titles should be written out in full, not abbreviated. Only articles that have been published or are in press should be included in the references. Use underlining for journal and book titles only.

An example of a correct citation can be found below:

Jolicoeur, P. (1999). Dual-task interference and visual encoding. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 25, 596-616.

Please include sufficient information in the methods and results sections to allow readers to have a clear understanding of what data were collected and what results were found. Where appropriate, include details on data acquisition and analysis, number of subjects, quantitative results and statistics. NB: Editing and proofreading are the responsibility of the authors.

Submissions must be submitted in the required format. Any deviation from this format will NOT be accepted.

All submissions must be received by January 14, 2011. Submissions will NOT be accepted after this date.

All submissions will undergo peer review. Decisions regarding acceptability will be made by the Poster Review Committee. All decisions are final and not subject to appeal. Reviewer decisions will be announced by Friday, January 28, 2011, notification will be sent by email to all primary authors. Note – Confirmed poster presenters will be allowed to register at the early-bird registration fee until February 11, 2011.

The following documents should be emailed to as attachments:

Attachment 1: Completed Submission Form
Attachment 2: Abstract

Please set the email subject line to the title of the abstract.

FAX submissions will not be accepted.

Any questions regarding the poster submission should be directed to:

Poster Review Committee
Phone: 1-416-785-2500 ext. 2904

Poster Displays

Accepted presenters should note the following:

Posters will be available for viewing during the refreshment and lunch breaks. There will be a formal Moderated Poster Session at the end of the day on Monday, March 28, 2011.

The display panels are approximately 4'(h) x 8' (w) (121 cm x 243 cm). Layouts should allow space for titles and authors.

Poster presenters are encouraged to provide copies of their presentation and other related handouts for viewers. (Copies of the abstracts will be included in the conference registration package.)