Dr. Claude Alain and company at the 2024 SMPC Conference in Banff, Alberta
In the Press
2024-02-16 The Globe and Mail, Five daily practices to keep your mind sharp, according to neuroscientists
2023-06-30 The Dallas Morning News, Want to keep your brain young? Learn to play a musical instrument
2023-02-09 Centre for Brain Health, Promoting Healthy Aging Through Music Activities with Claude Alain (Invited Speaker)
2019-08-22 EurekAlert!, Carriers of Alzheimer’s genetic marker have greater difficulty harnessing past knowledge
2019-02-06 Baycrest.org, Dr. Claude Alain’s Story
2018-07-16 Toronto.com, Report shows more people biking to work in 7 suburban areas in Toronto
2018-05-21 Toronto Star, Doctors’ Notes: Strengthen your brain with music or a second language
2018-05-18 Metro, Bilinguals and Musicians have More Efficient Brains
2018-05-17 Independent, Learning Music or Another Language Makes Your Brain More Efficient, Researchers Find
2018-05-17 Science Daily, Learning music or speaking another language leads to more efficient brains
2018-01-28 The Globe and Mail, What we know about the link between hearing loss and dementia
2017-09-25 Toronto Star, Older adults should take hearing loss seriously
2017-03-15 ScienceDaily.com, The way the brain processes speech could serve as a predictor of early dementia before obvious communication problems appear.
2017-03-15 NeuroscienceNews.com, The way the brain processes speech could serve as a predictor of early dementia before obvious communication problems appear.
2017-03-15 EurekAlert! AAAS, The way the brain processes speech could serve as a predictor of early dementia before obvious communication problems appear.
2015-02-06 Toronto Star, Toronto researchers find playing music in youth helps hearing in old age.
2015-02-06 CBS Science Roundtable Segment, National TV Broadcast, This Morning.
2015-02-06 N. Toche, El Economista, Mexico. Learning to play an instrument compensates for the loss of language.
2015-02-04 CTV News, Canada, Musical training in youth keeps brain functioning longer: study.
2015-02-04 New York Daily News, Musical training in youth keeps brain functioning longer: study.
2015-02-04 Iran Daily, Musical training protects brain.
2015-02-03 The Washington Post, Early music training prevents loss of listening skills later in life.
2015-02-03 CKNW NewsTalk Radio, AM 980, British Columbia, Learning to play an instrument compensates for the loss of language.
2015-02-03 The Tribune, India, Early musical training boosts 20pc brainpower in later life.
2015-02-02 EurekAlert! AAAS, More evidence that musical training protects the brain.
2013-11-13 Scientific American, Musicians maintain hearing better.
2011-11-13 Le Devoir, Quebec, La musique rend-elle sourd? Les sons affectent l’audition selon leur intensité et la durée d’exposition.
2011-09-28 The Washington Post, Lifelong music training may help stave off hearing loss.
2011-09-22 CBC Eyeopener, Hearing Loss.
2011-09-16 Science World, Voice of America, Lifelong musicians hear better than the rest of us.
2011-09-15 The Globe and Mail, Lifelong musicians experience fewer age-related hearing problems.
2011-09-13 BBC News, Lifelong musicians have better hearing.
2011-09-12 The Toronto Star, Practice the piano. Do you hear me?
2011-09-10 The New York Times, Early music lessons have longtime benefits.
2010-11-21 Naked Scientists, BBC Radio, Smart Pills: Drugs to boost brain power.
Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Health Sciences
3560 Bathurst St. Toronto, ON M6A 2E1
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