Be a Part of a Research Study

Exploration of Decision Making

This study investigating people’s quick decision making. The task for this study involves viewing images of objects and being asked if these object images are real or not real. You may also be asked to complete a number of pen-and-paper tasks regarding your thinking skills. You must be between the ages of 18-30 or 60-85, and must have learned English before the age of 5. If you are interested in taking part in this study, please email Evi Myftaraj at

Effect of Cardiac
Feedback on Cognition

This study aims to examine what affects signals from the body to the brain, our awareness of those signals, and the role of a critical region of the brain (the perirhinal cortex) in receiving those signals. Participation will involve two sessions, each lasting two hours, which will take place on separate days, for a total of 4 hours. The first session includes a number of paper-and-pencil tasks. The second session will include tasks that measure heart rate perception, questionnaires, as well as a computerized visual task. This second session will also include an electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalogram (EEG), as well as other physiological measurement instruments (i.e., respiration belt, skin conductance, and plethysmograph). You may also be asked to complete a 30-minute MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) session.

You may be eligible for the study if:

  • You are between the age of 18-30 or 60-85
  • Free from certain medical conditions (which we will ask you about)
  • Learned English before the age of 5
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
  • Do not have claustrophobia
  • Do not have metal in the body 

If you are interested please contact Hannah Del Gatto ( or Evi Myftaraj (

Kimel Family Centre for
Brain Health and Wellness

The Kimel Family Centre for Brain Health and Wellness, located on the Baycrest campus, is the world’s first research-driven community centre delivering personalized dementia risk reduction programming. Participants are assessed every six months, each time receiving an up-to-date Personalized Program Strategy stating in which of five domains they should enroll in programs in order to reduce their dementia risk: physical activity, brain-healthy eating, cognitive engagement, social connections, and mental wellbeing. Eligible participants are aged 50+, do not have a diagnosis of dementia, are sufficiently fluent in written and spoken English to complete the assessments and understand program instructors, and willing to join the research study. Check it out at!