Publications & Conferences
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You can view our complete list of publications on Pubmed or Scopus. Select journal publications and conference abstracts are listed below.
57) Bae S., Matthews J. L., Chen J. J. and Mah L. Longer exhalation increases high-frequency heart-rate variability in healthy adults. Psychophysiology 2021. In press. PMID: 34289128.
56) MacIntosh B. J., Ji X. Chen J. J., Gilboa A., Roudaia E., Sekuler A., Gao F., Chad J. A., Jegatheesan A., Masellis M., Goubran M., Rabin J. S., Lam B., Cheng I., Fowler R., Heyn C., Black S. E. and Graham S. J. NeuroCOVID-19: a longitudinal protocol of brain structure and functional in symptomatic individuals recovering from COVID-19. CMAJOpen-2021-0023.
55) Sharma N., Murari G., Liang D. R., Vandermorris S., Verhoeff N. P., Herrmann N., Chen J. J. and Mah L., Functional connectivity between the posterior default mode network and medial temporal lobes is disrupted in adults with subjective cognitive decline and corelates with subjective memory ability. J Alzh Dis 2021; 82: 435-445. PMID: 34024823.
54) Chen J. J., Gauthier, C. J. The role of cerebrovascular-reactivity mapping in functional MRI: Resting-state fMRI and calibrated fMRI. Invited review. Front Physiol. 2021. Epub ahead of print. Doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.657362 PMID: 33841190.
53) Attarpour A., Ward J. and Chen J. J. Vascular origins of low-frequency oscillations in the cerebrospinal fluid signal in resting-state fMRI: validation using photoplethysmography. Hum Brain Mapp 2021. Epub ahead of print. Doi:10.1002/hbm.25392. PMID: 33638224.
52) Chad J. A., Pasternak O. and Chen J. J. Orthogonal diffusion tensor decomposition reveals age-related degeneration patterns in complex fibre architecture. Neurobiol Aging 2021; 101: 151-159. PMID: 33610963.
51) Shams S. M., Levan P. and Chen J. J. Neuronal associations of respiratory-volume variations. NeuroImage 2021; 230: 117783. PMID: 33516896.
50 Srisaikaew P., Wongpakaran N., Anderson N. D., Chen J. J., Kothan S., Varnado P., Unsrisong K. and Mahakkanukrauh P. Fornix integrity and fibre length as a dementia biomarker: A pilot diffusion tensor imaging study in Thai older adults. Frontiers Aging Neurosci 2020. PMID: 33343334.
49) Chen J. J., Herman P., Keilholz S. D. and Thompson G. J. Editorial: Origins of the resting-state fMRI signal. Front Neurosci 2020. PMID: 33192281.
48) Murari G. Liang D. R., Ali A., Chan F., Mulder-Heijstra M., Verhoeff N. P, Herrmann N., Chen J. J. and Mah L. Prefrontal GABA+/Cr levels correlate with memory and openness trait in older adults at high risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Cerebral Cortex Comm 2020.
47) Golestani A. M. and Chen J. J. Controlling for the effect of arterial CO2 fluctuations in resting-state fMRI: Comparing end-tidal CO2 clamping and retroactive CO2 correction. NeuroImage 2020; 216: 116874. PMID: 32335260
46) Fujioka T., Freigang C., Honjo K., Chen J. J., Chen J. L., Black, S. E., Stuss D. T., Dawson D. R and Ross B. Central auditory processing in adults with chronic stroke without hearing loss: a magnetoencephalography study. Clin Neuropsych 2020:
45) Hussein A., Matthews J. L., Symes C., Macgowan, C, MacIntosh B. J., Shirzadi Z., Pausova Z., Paus T. and Chen J. J. The association between aortic pulse-wave velocity and resting-state fMRI. Hum Brain Mapp 2020; doi:10.1002/hbm.24934. PMID: 32034832.
44) Yuen N. H., Osachoff N. and Chen J. J.. Intrinsic frequencies of the resting-state fMRI signal: the frequency dependence of functional connectivity and the effect of mode mixing. Front Neurosci 2019; 4: 900. PMID: PMC6738198.
43) Tong Y., Yao J., Chen J. J. and deB Frederick B., The resting-state arterial-venous blood signal differential predicts blood transit time. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2019; 39: 1148-1160. PMID: 29333912.
42) Ragot D. M. and Chen J. J. Characterizing signal and noise origins of spin-echo BOLD fMRI at 3 Tesla. Magn Reson Imaging 2019; 57: 328-336. PMID: 30439514.
41) Chen J. J.. Cerebrovascular reactivity mapping using MRI: Considerations for Alzheimer’s disease. Front Neurosci (Special Issue on Metabolic and Vascular Biomarkers for Imaging Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease) 2018; 10: 170 (invited review).
40) Chen J. J.. Functional MRI of brain physiology in aging and neurodegenerative diseases. NeuroImage (Special Issue on Physiological and Quantitative fMRI) 2018; 187: 209-225.
39) Hua J., Liu P., Donahue M., Rane S., Kim T., Chen J. J., Qin Q. and Kim S. G. MRI techniques to measure arterial and venous cerebral blood volume. NeuroImage 2018; 187-17-31. PMID: 29458187.
38) Chad J., Pasternak O., Salat D. H. and Chen J. J. Re-examining age-related white-matter microstructural degeneration with free-water corrected diffusion-tensor imaging. Neurobiol Aging 2018; 71-167-170. PMID: 30145396.
37) Lam TK, Dawson DR, Honjo K, Ross B, Binns MA, Stuss DT, Black SE, Chen J. J., Levine BT, Fujioka T, Chen J.L. Neural coupling between contralesional motor and frontoparietal networks correlates with motor ability in individuals with chronic stroke. J Neurol Sci. 2018 Jan 15; 384:21-29. PMID: 29249372.
36) Lam T. K., Dawson D. R., Honjo K., Ross B., Binns M. A., Stuss D. T., Black S. E., Chen J. J., Levine, B. T., Fujioka, T. and Chen, J. L. Variability in stroke motor outcome is explained by structural and functional integrity of the motor system. Nat Sci Rep 2018; 8:9480. PMID: 29930399.
35) Fujioka T., Ross B., Wright R. Chen J. J., Chen J. L., Black S. E., Stuss D. T. and Dawson D. The effect of music-support rehabilitation on motor, cognitive and psychosocial functions in chronic stroke. Ann New York Acad Sci, 2018. Doi: 10.1111/nyas.13706. PMID: 29797585.
34) Chu P. P. W., Golestani A. M., Kwinta J. B., Khatamian Y. B. and Chen J. J. Characterizing the modulation of resting-state fMRI metrics by baseline physiology. NeuroImage 2018;173: 72-87. PMID: 29452265.
33) Golestani A. M., Faraji-Dana Z., Kayvanrad M. A., Setsompop K., Graham S. J. and Chen J. J. Simultaneous multislice resting-state fMRI at 3 Tesla: Slice-acceleration related biases in physiological-noise effects. Brain Connect 2018; 8: 82-93. PMID: 29226689.
32) Lam T. K., Dawson D. R., Honjo K., Ross B., Binns M. A., Stuss D. T., Black S. E., Chen J. J., Levine, B. T., Fujioka, T. and Chen, J. L. Neural coupling between motor and frontoparietal networks correlates with motor ability in chronic stroke patients. Neurol Sci 2017; 384: 21-29.
31) Golestani A. M., Kwinta J. B. and Chen J. J. The effect of low-frequency physiological correction on the reproducibility and specificity of resting-state fMRI metrics: Functional connectivity, ALFF and ReHo. Front Neurosci (Special Issue on Reproducibility) 2017; 11: 546. PMCID: PMC5833680.
30) Freigang C., Ross B., Honjo K., Chen J. J., Chen J. L., Black S. E., Stuss D. T., Dawson D. R., Fujioka T. Central auditory processing in chronic stroke patients. Int J Stroke 2016; 11: 22.
29) Faraji-Dana Z., Tam F., Chen J. J. and Graham S. J. A robust method for suppressing motion-induced coil sensitivity variations during prospective correction of head motion in fMRI. Magn Reson Imaging 2016; 34: 1206-1219.
28) Faraji-Dana Z., Tam F., Chen J. J. and Graham S. J. Interactions between head motion and coil sensitivity in accelerated fMRI. J Neurosci Methods 2016: doi: 10.1016/j.neurmeth.2016.06.005. PMID: 27288867.
27) Faraji-Dana Z., Tam F., Chen J. J. and Graham S. J. Suppressing respiration effects when geometric distortion is corrected dynamically by phase labeling for additional coordinate encoding (PLACE) during functional MRI. PLoS ONE 2016; 11: e0156750. PMID: 27258194.
26) Golestani, A. M., Wei L. L., Kwinta J. B. and Chen J. J. Quantitative mapping of cerebrovascular reactivity using resting-state BOLD fMRI: Validation in healthy adults. NeuroImage 2016; 138: 147-163. PMID: 27177763.
25) Kielar, A., Deschamps, T., Chu, R. K. O., Jokel, R., Khatamian, Y. B., Chen J. J. and Meltzer, J. A. Identifying dysfunctional cortex: distinguishing the effects of stroke and healthy aging with resting-state MEG and fMRI. Front Aging Neurosci 2016; 8:40. PMID: 26973515.
24) Khatamian Y. B., Ragot D. M, Golestani A. M. and Chen J. J. Spin-echo resting-state functional connectivity in high-susceptibility areas: Sensitivity, specificity and the role of physiological noise. Brain Connectivity 2016; 6: 283-297. PMID: 26842962.
23) Golestani A. M., Kwinta J. B., Strother S. C., Khatamian Y. B. and Chen J. J. The association between cerebrovascular reactivity on resting-state fMRI functional connectivity: The influence of basal carbon dioxide. NeuroImage 2016; 132: 301-313. PMID: 26908321.
22) Makedonov I., Chen J. J., Masellis M. and MacIntosh B. J. Physiological fluctuations in white matter are increased in Alzheimer’s disease and correlated with neuroimaging and cognitive biomarkers. Neurobiol Aging 2016; 37: 12-18. PMID: 26476600.
21) Freigang C., Fujioka T., Dawson D., Hongjo K., Stuss D. T., Black S. E., Chen J. J., Chen J. L., Horne C. and Ross B. Robust magnetoencephalographic source localization of auditory evoked response in chronic stroke patients. Int J Stroke 2015; 10: 40.
20) Chen JJ, Jann K, Wang DJ. Characterizing Resting-State Brain Function Using Arterial Spin Labeling. Brain Connect. 2015 Oct 6. [Epub ahead of print]
19) Mark CI, Mazerolle EL, Chen JJ. Metabolic and vascular origins of the BOLD effect: Implications for imaging pathology and resting-state brain function. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2015 Aug;42(2):231-46.
18) Halani S, Kwinta JB, Golestani AM, Khatamian YB, Chen JJ. Comparing cerebrovascular reactivity measured using BOLD and cerebral blood flow MRI: The effect of basal vascular tension on vasodilatory and vasoconstrictive reactivity. Neuroimage. 2015 Feb 3. pii: S1053-8119(15)00075-0. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.01.050. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25655446
17) Golestani AM, Chang C, Kwinta JB, Khatamian YB, Chen JJ. Mapping the end-tidal CO2 response function in the resting-state BOLD fMRI signal: spatial specificity, test-retest reliability and effect of fMRI sampling rate. Neuroimage. 2015 Jan 1;104:266-77. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.10.031. Epub 2014 Oct 18. PubMed PMID: 25462695.
16) Tak S, Polimeni JR, Wang DJ, Yan L, Chen JJ. Associations of resting-state fMRI functional connectivity with flow-BOLD coupling and regional vasculature. Brain Connect. 2014 Nov 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25384681.
15) Coutu JP, Chen JJ, Rosas HD, Salat DH. Non-Gaussian water diffusion in aging white matter. Neurobiol Aging. 2014 Jun;35(6):1412-21. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2013.12.001. Epub 2013 Dec 4. PubMed PMID: 24378085; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3961541.
14) Tak S, Wang DJ, Polimeni JR, Yan L, Chen JJ. Dynamic and static contributions of the cerebrovasculature to the resting-state BOLD signal. Neuroimage. 2014 Jan 1;84:672-80. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.09.057. Epub 2013 Oct 4. PubMed PMID: 24099842.
13) Chen JJ, Rosas HD, Salat DH. The relationship between cortical blood flow and sub-cortical white-matter health across the adult age span. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e56733. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056733. Epub 2013 Feb 21. PubMed PMID: 23437228; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3578934.2012
12) Chen JJ, Salat DH, Rosas HD. Complex relationships between cerebral blood flow and brain atrophy in early Huntington’s disease. Neuroimage. 2012 Jan 16;59(2):1043-51. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.08.112. Epub 2011 Sep 16. PubMed PMID: 21945790; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3787075.2011
11) Chen JJ, Rosas HD, Salat DH. Age-associated reductions in cerebral blood flow are independent from regional atrophy. Neuroimage. 2011 Mar 15;55(2):468-78. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.12.032. Epub 2010 Dec 16. PubMed PMID: 21167947; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3435846.
10) Salat DH, Chen JJ, van der Kouwe AJ, Greve DN, Fischl B, Rosas HD. Hippocampal degeneration is associated with temporal and limbic gray matter/white matter tissue contrast in Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroimage. 2011 Feb 1;54(3):1795-802. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.10.034. Epub 2010 Oct 18. PubMed PMID: 20965261; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3021138.2010
9) Chen JJ, Pike GB. MRI measurement of the BOLD-specific flow-volume relationship during hypercapnia and hypocapnia in humans. Neuroimage. 2010 Nov 1;53(2):383-91. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.07.003. Epub 2010 Jul 17. PubMed PMID: 20624474.
8) Chen JJ, Pike GB. Global cerebral oxidative metabolism during hypercapnia and hypocapnia in humans: implications for BOLD fMRI. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2010 Jun;30(6):1094-9. doi: 10.1038/jcbfm.2010.42. Epub 2010 Apr 7. PubMed PMID: 20372169; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2949195.2009
7) Chen JJ, Pike GB. BOLD-specific cerebral blood volume and blood flow changes during neuronal activation in humans. NMR Biomed. 2009 Dec;22(10):1054-62. doi:10.1002/nbm.1411. PubMed PMID: 19598180.
6) Chen JJ, Pike GB. Origins of the BOLD post-stimulus undershoot. Neuroimage. 2009 Jul 1;46(3):559-68. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.03.015. Epub 2009 Mar 19. PubMed PMID: 19303450.
5) Chen JJ, Pike GB. Human whole blood T2 relaxometry at 3 Tesla. Magn Reson Med. 2009 Feb;61(2):249-54. doi: 10.1002/mrm.21858. PubMed PMID: 19165880.
4) Chen JJ, Wieckowska M, Meyer E, Pike GB. Cerebral blood flow measurement using fMRI and PET: a cross-validation study. Int J Biomed Imaging. 2008;2008:516359. doi: 10.1155/2008/516359. PubMed PMID: 18825270; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2553188.2005
3) Chen JJ, Smith MR, Frayne R. The impact of partial-volume effects in dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance perfusion imaging. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2005 Sep;22(3):390-9. PubMed PMID: 16104009.
2) Chen JJ, Frayne R, Smith MR. Reassessing the clinical efficacy of two MR quantitative DSC PWI CBF algorithms following cross-calibration with PET images. Phys Med BioPublicationsl. 2005 Mar 21;50(6):1251-63. Epub 2005 Mar 2. PubMed PMID: 15798320.
1) Chen JJ, Smith MR, Frayne R. Advantages of frequency-domain modeling in dynamic-susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance cerebral blood flow quantification. Magn Reson Med. 2005 Mar;53(3):700-7. PubMed PMID: 15723395.
- Khajehim M. and Chen J. J. Vascular origins of the negative BOLD fMRI response. ISMRM 2018, Paris
- Khajehim M. and Chen J. J. Vascular origins of “anti-correlations” in resting-state fMRI. ISMRM 2018, Paris
- Tan J., Ragot D. M. and Chen J. J. Regional-specific echo-time optimization in spin-echo EPI at 3 Tesla. ISMRM 2018, Paris
- Chad J., Salat D. H. and Chen J. J. Age effects on cortical tissue diffusivity. ISMRM 2018, Paris.
- Chad J., Pasternak O., Salat D. H. and Chen J. J. Selective degeneration of crossing fibers and its relationship with fractional anisotropy. ISMRM 2018, Paris.
- Ragot D. M. and Chen J. J. Echo-time optimization in spin-echo EPI fMRI using BOLD-sensitivity models and hypercapnic manipulation at 3 T. OHBM 2017, Vancouver
- Yuen N.H. and Chen J. J. Frequency characteristics of resting-state fMRI functional networks. ISMRM 2017, Honolulu
- Ragot D.M. and Chen J. J. Echo-time optimization for spin-echo EPI fMRI using hypercapnic manipulation at 3 T. ISMRM 2017, Honolulu
- Chad J., Pasternak O., Salat D.H., and Chen J. J. White matter microstructural changes in healthy aging: The impact of free water elimination on DTI metrics. ISMRM 2017, Honolulu
- Golestani A.M. and Chen J. J. Quantitative mapping of cerebrovascular reactivity using resting-state BOLD fMRI: A validation in healthy adults. ISMRM 2017, Honolulu
- Golestani A. M., Kwinta J. B. and Chen J. J. The association between cerebrovascular reactivity and rs-fMRI connectivity. ISMRM 2016, Singapore; p. 768.
- Ragot D. M. and Chen J. J. Echo-time optimization in spin-echo EPI fMRI using hypercapnic manipulations at 3 T. ISMRM 2016, Toronto; p. 3725.
- Faraji-Dana, Z., Golestani A. M., Khatamian Y. B., Graham S. and Chen J. J. Comparision of physiological noise in multiband-EPI and regular-EPI fMRI at 3 Tesla. ISMRM 2016, Singapore; p. 3717.
- Faraji-Dana, Z., Golestani A. M., Khatamian Y. B., Graham S. and Chen J. J. Slice acceleration related biases in multiband-EPI resting-state functional connectivity. ISMRM 2016, Singapore; p. 1748.
- Faraji-Dana, Z., Tam F., Chen J. J. and Graham S. Importance of physiological noise correction for PLACE distortion correction in EPI-based fMRI. OHBM 2015, Honolulu; p. 3732.
- Golestani A. M. and Chen J. J. Low-frequency physiological effects on the specificity of resting-state functional connectivity measurements. OHBM 2015, Honolulu; p. 3733.
- Khatamian Y. B. and Chen J. J. Significance and correction of respiratory off-resonance effects in fMRI – A phantom study. OHBM 2015, Honolulu; p. 1651.
- Khatamian Y. B. and Chen J. J. Fat suppression artifact in spin-echo BOLD EPI at 3 Tesla. ISMRM 2015, Toronto; p. 3775.
- Halani S, Kwinta J. B., Golestani A. M. and Chen J. J. Cerebrovascular reactivity measurement using BOLD and arterial-spin labeling MRI: The effect of vascular tension. ISMRM 2015, Toronto; p. 3703.
- Ragot D. M., Khatamian Y. B. and Chen J. J. White-matter functional connectivity during trans-collosal tasks. ISMRM 2015, Toronto; p. 1339.
- Chu P. P. W., Kwinta J. B., Golestani A. M. and Chen J. J. Physiological modulators of resting-state fMRI functional connectivity. ISMRM 2015, Toronto; p. 2128.
- M. Golestani and J. J. Chen. Physiological noise correction improves reproducibility of functional connectivity measurements. Biennial Conference on Resting-state/Brain Connectivity, 2014, Cambridge.
- J. B. Kwinta and J. J. Chen. The influence of end-tidal CO2 on cerebrovascular reactivity and functional connectivity. OHBM 2014, Hamburg.
- S. Tak and J. J. Chen. Contribution of neurovascular factors to resting-state fMRI functional connectivity. OHBM 2014, Hamburg.
- A. M. Golestani and J. J. Chen. Regional variability in delay of brain response to resting state end-tidal CO2 fluctuations. OHBM 2014, Hamburg.
- A. M. Golestani and J. J. Chen. Reliability of resting-state connectivity using simultaneous multislice fMRI with ultra-short TR. OHBM 2014, Hamburg.
- A. M. Golestani and J. J. Chen. The end-tidal CO2 response function in resting-state BOLD fMRI. ISMRM 2014, Milan.
- A. M. Golestani and J. J. Chen. Estimating the physiological response function in resting-state BOLD: the effect of acquisition speed. ISMRM 2014, Milan.
- A. M. Golestani and J. J. Chen. Inter-regional differences in brain response delay to end-tidal CO2 estimated from resting-state fMRI. ISMRM 2014, Milan.
- Y. Khatamian and J. J. Chen. Respiratory volume over time effects in resting-state gradient-echo and spin-echo EPI BOLD. ISMRM 2014, Milan.
- S. Tak and J. J. Chen. Associations of resting-state fMRI functional connectivity with flow-BOLD coupling and regional vasculature. ISMRM 2014, Milan.
- Chen JJ. Neuroimaging of Function and Structure Changes in Aging
- Liu TX, Tak S and Chen JJ. Evaluation of Dual-Echo Pseudo-Continuous ASL for Resting-State BOLD Functional Connectivity Measurement, ISMRM
- Bhatt O, Ross B, Meltzer JA and Chen JJ. Stability of Resting-State Brain Activity Fluctuations Across Time: Evidence from fMRI and MEG, ISMRM
- Khatamian Y and Chen JJ. Resting-State Functional Connectivity Mapping in Humans using Spin-echo EPI BOLD, ISMRM
- Tak S, Wang DJJ, Yan L and Chen JJ. Spatial Variability in the Contribution of Cerebral Blood Flow Fluctuations to the Resting-State Signal, ISMRM
- Tak S, Wang DJJ, Yan L and Chen JJ. Resting-State Functional Connectivity Mapping using Cerebral Blood Flow: Comparison with Simultaneously Acquired BOLD in High-Susceptibility Regions, ISMRM
- Khatamian Y and Chen JJ. Respiratory Effects in Resting State fMRI, Poster, OHBM
- Tak S and Chen JJ. Understanding the Vascular Origins of Resting-State BOLD Fluctuations, OHBM
- Chen JJ, Rosas HD and Salat DH. Spectral Analysis of Resting-State fMRI Data in Aging, Talk