MRI Simulator
The MRI Simulator is designed to mimic our actual MRI environment, including a mock MRI scanner with a functional patient table and similar experimental equipment (visual, auditory, participant response, etc). Common uses for the MRI Simulator include screening or easing anxious participants prior to their MRI reservation, training participants in task performance, or performing preparatory/encoding phases of tasks for which imaging data are not required prior to an MRI session. Reservations for the Simulator may be made, free of charge, on the MRI Scheduler using an assigned MRI project code. Usage of the Simulator may also be permitted to non-MRI projects, subject to schedule availability. Priority is given to MRI projects.
Simulator Training
Researchers who wish to book and use the Simulator must first complete MRI Safety Training and Orientation with Garry Detzler, and then complete Simulator training with Jacob Matthews. Jacob will review usage of the equipment, participant safety, researcher safety, and cleaning procedures in the Simulator room.
Simulator and MRI Safety
The MRI Simulator room is located within MRI Zone 2, and has restricted access to other areas of the MRI Facility. As such, there are no MRI safety risks in the MRI Simulator, and participants entering only the Simulator room do not need to complete MRI safety screening. If participants are scheduled to have an MRI during the same visit, please see the “Special Case – Simulator + MRI Session” section of the “MRI Flow Process – Running a Project” page for details on the order of participant screening, Simulator usage, and MRI scanning.
MRI Simulator Reservations
Make a reservation on the MRI Web Scheduler, including your valid and properly assigned Participant ID. See the MRI Scheduler page for further instructions. Please reserve each half hour slot needed to cover your entire visit, even if you plan on leaving or arriving in between those times.
After Hours Simulator Access
The 2020 redesign of the MRI Suite allows for independent researcher access to the MRI Simulator room outside of regular operating hours, when MRI Staff are not present.
The Simulator is located in the Baycrest Basement, room BB17D. This area may be considered isolated after normal operating hours. There is no personnel backup in the MRI Facility in case of an emergency while testing with a participant in the Simulator after hours. Therefore when utilizing the Simulator after hours, by yourself or with a Participant, in the absence of a Level 2 MR Personnel, “Working Alone Principles” apply.
Researchers who intend to reserve time on the Simulator outside of normal hours should submit a request to Garry Detzler by email, and will be given independent access to the MRI Simulator room via your Baycrest Photo ID Badge.
Access to the other areas of the MRI suite after hours, in the absence of an MR Technologist or Level 2 Operator, is not feasible as the remainder of the suite is locked and secured. Therefore if you or your participant requires the use of washroom facilities, you will need to utilize the facilities located in the outer hallway. They are located on either side of the Hospital elevators. Please familiarize yourself with their locations.
It is your responsibility to ensure the Simulator is cleaned, lights are off and the Simulator room is secured at the end of your session. If conducting tests on a participant, please ensure you escort your participant to the appropriate Baycrest exit. A breach in any of the above guidelines may result in a reversal of after-hours access to the MRI Simulator.
Working Alone Principles
Working alone applies when anyone of us is in our office by ourselves after 6:00 p.m., or on a Sunday. Saturday (Sabbath) is not included since in accordance with the Jewish High Holy Day and Festive Day policy, the Sabbath is a High Holy Day and is closed to non-essential work.
If, while working alone, you believe that you are in imminent danger, and if it is possible, you should dial Baycrest’s emergency extension 5555 (using cell phone – 416-785-2500 ext. 5555) and speak to the Communications attendant.
Working Alone Principles
The rationale for the working alone principles are:
(a) Baycrest Academy, as an organization, has to ensure that staff are safe at all times.
(b) If staff members are working alone after hours, or on Sundays and a serious incident were to occur, the Ministry of Labour would come onsite to investigate and the Academy would be required to show that there is a plan in place to address staff members’ safety.
Working Alone Principles: Weekdays
1. If you plan on working late, call Security by 6:00 p.m. at ext. 2050 to let the Security Officer know that you are in your office/area alone. You should give your name, room number and your estimated departure time.
2. When leaving, swipe the functional card reader at the door from which you are exiting the building. For example, Kimel Family Building, swipe the card reader on the east side closest to the elevator on the main floor. This step is important since it will provide the confirmation, should this be required by Security that you have left the building.
3. All exit doors (e.g. Kimel, Khedive, Apotex) are locked at 9:00 p.m., thus you would need to swipe the functional card reader that unlocks the designated exit door to leave the building. The after-9:00 p.m. designated exit for the Kimel Family Building is the single side door located on the west side (not the automatic doors that open during the work day).
Working Alone Principles: Sunday
4. Swipe the functional card reader upon entering the building.
5. You have two choices: (1) either go to the Security Office (Hospital main floor) to inform the Security Officer that you are going to be working alone; OR (2) call ext. 2050 once you are in your office to let the Security Officer know that you are working alone.
6. Leaving the building – the same instructions as #2 above.
7. Leaving the building after 9:00 p.m. – the same instructions as #3 above.
Panic Alarm System Process
There is a panic alarm system for the MRI Simulator which is utilized when testing after hours. The panic alarm button, a small beige box with a red button on a chain, for the MRI Facility is located to the left of the door in the envelope in Simulator room BB17D. You can have the panic alarm readily available any time you are testing in the MRI Simulator. The device can be worn around the neck. If you do so, please sanitize it after use. Activation of the panic alarm button will send a direct signal (silent alarm) to Baycrest Security. If you are ever in a test session where you feel uncomfortable or threatened, please leave the room and end the session. Do not continue testing in that type of situation. The Baycrest Security Office is located on the first floor of the Hospital building, immediately next to the main elevator banks. Turn right when leaving the MRI Simulator, take the staircase or elevator to the first floor, the Security Office is south of the elevators. Finally with respect to testing after hours please make sure that you inform someone (supervisor, lab colleague) in advance of your scheduled session.